Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A fall from a Mango Tree (P.S. we love our generous sponsors!)

Enock recovering  surrounded by his brothers and sisters
You would not know from this picture that Enock,  a twelve year old attending Rock of Ages School, is recovering from the worst trauma of his young life.  A couple of weeks ago, he severely  fractured  both his right leg  and left arm after falling from a mango tree.   He lay in bed for four days before under going surgery to reset his bones, crying whenever the pain medication wore off.   His family was desperate. Fortunately,  with financial help from his sponsor and  treatment provided by One4Another, a wonderful, non-profit based in Canada whose mission is to "alleviate suffering and give hope to the children of Uganda by facilitating life-altering surgeries", Enock was able to get the surgery he needed to start healing. It is an amazing story of love and resources coming together to help a young boy regain hope for his future.

The pictures below help to explain the story.

Enock and his mom at Jinja Hospital.  Wondering where the help they need will come from. 

Look carefully. You can see the fracture of his femur (right leg)
Enock's fractured tibia (left arm)

Post surgery

Going home. 
Enock and his parents are thankful for the love and support they received. Without the surgery, he would have been severely crippled for life.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Welcome to our New Teachers

A new school year started this week and Betty  reports that over 200 students showed up on Monday. She expects by the end of this week there will 250 students, an increase of 30 from last last year. Most of those will be children starting in the  nursery section or as we call it, preschool.  Thankfully, we have  been able to add a Primary 6 class, continuing the tradition of the last 5 years of adding a new grade each year.

Along with a new grade, comes two new teachers,  Fabian and Alice.

Fabian  just completed college with certificate as a grade three teacher. He is 22 years old and single.
Fabian  will teach English Language in Primary 5, Religious education in P4  and integrated science in the same class. He is a Ugandan by nationality born in Merikit sub-county in Tororo District.

Alice  graduated as a professional teacher in 2012, She will be  teaching mathematics in P4 and P6 class. Alice  is 23, married  with  a daughter named Juliet. She  is from  Nagongera sub-county in Tororo District.

