Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 5: Visiting Familes

One of the greatest pleasures we've had is visiting the families of the children attending Rock of Ages. Most are woman, grandmothers or single moms caring for the children.

One remarkable family is Eric and Harriet, an intact family with thirteen children. It is rare to have a family with both a mom and dad committed to each other in the village of Mbiko. They  live in a two room cement building probably about the size of a one car garage. They are subsistence farmers, both working daily in the fields to put food on the table, The dad is also a part time pastor. Three of their children attend Rock of  Ages. Despite their efforts, malnutrition is a big concern in this large family.

Michelle with Eric & Harriet and family

Jaja (grandmother) she takes care of several ROA students.
Karla with Decline, Spec and Frank modeling their new clothes. The 2 younger children are in the front.
 One of the many tragic is the story of these 3 orphans who survived  a boat accident. Both parents drowned but the oldest boy Frank saved hos two siblings by clinging to the boat until  morning when a fisherman saved them. They now live with an Aunt and have found new hope at ROA. All three children were sponsored by one donor when she heard their story.  We delivered new clothes, books, toys and hygiene supplies to the  new family which includes the aunt and her two small children.

Karla  Reynolds
(We gave  Mark a break tonight!  Hopefully this post is not too bad. Michelle proofed it an gave it her approval.)

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