Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Conlusion: Dust

       Uganda is covered in a red-clay soil.  It is soil that stains.  Soil that sticks to you...  When you walk on the Ugandan soil, the dust clings to you clothes and body.  You can not walk on this soil without getting some of it on you.  The red-orange dust grabs your clothes, your shoes, and your skin.  It does not let go easily.  Uganda does not let go easily.

       Since we have returned to the US, God continues to work in big ways at Rock of Ages.  Renovations are currently taking place on an existing but unused small building.  A holiday lunch program has started, to give students some meals, while school is not in session.  There is even talk of working with the Jinja rotary club for additional support.  Also, tremendously, Hands4Uganda received notice that it is being accepted for a five thousand dollar grant through the LWML to build new classrooms at Rock of Ages. 
       The Lord is pouring out His provision and blessing in response to the prayers and needs of His children.  Praise God!  Our heavenly Father is working in ways that we can not imagine.  He is bigger than any one team or organization.  I am thankful that we all get to be involved and hear the wonderful testimonies of His faithfullness.  Halleluiah!
       I meant this post to be a conclusion to the trip, but I don't think the trip really has a conclusion.  As you can see, the Lord has used this trip to prepare and begin His work not end it.   No. I can not write a finalizing conclusion to our blessed time in Uganda.  It is not time to turn our eyes to other adventures.  The Lord is moving in Uganda.  His heart still beats for the Ugandan people.  This story of God's love is still taking place.
       Don't tell the US customs, but I carried some of the Ugandan soil home with me.  The soil was on my feet.  My shoes will probably be permanently stained orange.  The dust of Uganda has stuck to me even though I am half way across the world.  Even more than the dust though, the people of Uganda have stuck to me.  Their love has remain in my heart and it lingers.  I remember the dust smeared on my arms by the children as they hung on me and laughed.  I remember their faces.  I remember the needs in their lives that still  go unmet.
       God touched all of our hearts in Africa.  He showed us that His heart is for His children, and many of His children live in Africa.  He is a big God, not just the Lord of one country or people.  We came home from this journey with more than pictures, dust stained clothes, and jet lag.  We returned with opened hearts, changed minds, and a vision for what God is doing in Uganda.

Habakkuk 1:5 "Look at the nations and watch--and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told."

-May God bless you and keep you.
Mark Tatham 

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