Days: 8 (11-7-14) and 9 (11-8-14)
Sadly, the trip is coming to an end. Friday, graduation day, was our last day at the school, Rock of Ages. To lighten the mood, the next day, Saturday, we got to go shopping for souvenirs and such! I love shopping, so I was very excited to see how shopping in Africa would be like!
First off, Abdu surprised us with a trip to get pedicures! He said that he didn’t w ant to see us leaving Africa with dirty feet! He is so sweet! I feel very bad for the gentleman who did my feet,
because my tootsies were disgusting! After that crazy surprise, we went to a very yummy restaurant called, “The Source for Good Food.” Everything that we ordered was delicious! There was also a church in the back of the building, it was beautiful! I want to get married there!

Once we were full from chapatti chips and guacamole, we headed across the street to one of Betty’s friend’s shops. Betty’s friend was so kind! The shopping atmosphere kind of looked like lots of tiny one car garages all lined up next to each other on a street block. Now imagine fun, bright, and new things in each “car garage.” The merchandise in the stores was all hand-made and very unique. Everything was set up in such a way to catch your eye.
Each shop owner would advertise their things as we would walk by, it was kind of funny! It was so much fun to shop together! We Americans were very excited to check lots of people off of our Christmas lists!
Next, Abdu drove us to the closest possible point of where the Nile begins! It is so crazy exciting to actually see the Nile River!! We saw some experienced fisherman heading out to go fishing in their huge boats! It gave me a glimpse of Jesus and how He lived and preformed miracles with His fisherman disciples. That was so neat to see!

The next day, Sunday, we all went to church together to. It was so very sad to say our farewells, but I know that I made some new family relationships in Africa. It is never a goodbye to them here, because we are all in the same body of Christ together. I remember something that Kenneth said, he said that, “It is never a ‘goodbye’, it’s a ‘see you soon’.” Pastor Jimmy also prayed with us hand in hand in front of the Church before we left. Man, it was
very powerful! I really love all of the new relationships that I made here in Uganda. Thanks to all who impacted my life on this mission trip. Jesus is absolutely amazing!!
After church, we got ourselves all packed up, and we were off to Kampala, in the van for about two hours, towards the airport. When in Kampala, we stopped once more for more shopping time. Then Abdu took us out for pizza at a really cool restaurant out by the shore of Lake Victoria. It was such a cliché place. Our table was right next to the shore, in the sand, where there were palm trees, and the sun was setting. It was beautiful! Thank you Abdu for taking us!!
Soon after supper, they drove us to the airport and we said our final goodbyes. It is so very hard to say goodbye! My heart is aching to see everyone right now just thinking about them all! I do praise Jesus for the awesome trip and I hope that you were encouraged by all that happened! I know that I left pieces of my heart in Africa, and I know that Jesus will continue to work through all things! Praise the Lord through everything!!! Thanks for reading!
By Kelsey and Team