Friday, November 21, 2014

A Thank you note from Betty

The Gift

The life of a person grows and evolves on a number of principles,  some of which are not easily seen or noticed,  but do exist.  An example is when someone cares.

Likewise, there are many kinds of  gifts and like the growth of a person, some gifts grow without you realizing it. Such as the gift of a treasured friendship. The gift of friendship is so sweet that you can’t describe the feeling in your heart  unless it happens in your daily life.   A friend will look beyond what an ordinary person might see, things both big and small, and find ways to show the love of God towards us. Things you can’t imagine. Rock of Ages Academy has been richly blessed with such friendship.

Recently we had someone visit us at school.  They spent time with the kids, had lunch and experienced the artificial fork, (eating using fingers or hands). This visitor was touched and the Lord used him to bless the school with the simple gift of spoons.

When the spoons were delivered and the kids realized they were going to get to use them, they began cheering, dancing and clapping as it was something they longed for. They began to use the spoons immediately! We have more than enough spoons for all for which we are thankful to the Lord and the friends who managed to make this possible.

Here at Rock of Ages we say, “Thank you, and May the Lord bless you richly and mightily".

Betty Wasswa

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Reenergizing Last Moments

Days: 8 (11-7-14) and 9 (11-8-14)
Sadly, the trip is coming to an end.  Friday, graduation day, was our last day at the school, Rock of Ages.   To lighten the mood, the next day, Saturday, we got to go shopping for souvenirs and such!  I love shopping, so I was very excited to see how shopping in Africa would be like! 

    First off, Abdu surprised us with a trip to get pedicures!  He said that he didn’t w ant to see us leaving Africa with dirty feet!  He is so sweet!  I feel very bad for the gentleman who did my feet,
because my tootsies were disgusting!  After that crazy surprise, we went to a very yummy restaurant called, “The Source for Good Food.”  Everything that we ordered was delicious!  There was also a church in the back of the building, it was beautiful!  I want to get married there!  

Once we were full from chapatti chips and guacamole, we headed across the street to one of Betty’s friend’s shops.  Betty’s friend was so kind!  The shopping atmosphere kind of looked like lots of tiny one car garages all lined up next to each other on a  street block.  Now imagine fun, bright, and new things in each “car garage.”  The merchandise in the stores was all hand-made and very unique.  Everything was set up in such a way to catch your eye.
Each shop owner would advertise their things as we would walk by, it was kind of funny!   It was so much fun to shop together!  We Americans were very excited to check lots of people off of our Christmas lists! 
Next, Abdu drove us to the closest possible point of where the Nile begins!  It is so crazy exciting to actually see the Nile River!!  We saw some experienced fisherman heading out to go fishing in their huge boats!  It gave me a glimpse of Jesus and how He lived and preformed miracles with His fisherman disciples.  That was so neat to see!
The next day, Sunday, we all went to church together to.  It was so very sad to say our farewells, but I know that I made some new family relationships in Africa.  It is never a goodbye to them here, because we are all in the same body of Christ together.  I remember something that Kenneth said, he said that, “It is never a ‘goodbye’, it’s a ‘see you soon’.”   Pastor Jimmy also prayed with us hand in hand in front of the Church before we left.  Man, it was
very powerful!  I really love all of the new relationships that I made here in Uganda.  Thanks to all who impacted my life on this mission trip.  Jesus is absolutely amazing!! 
After church, we got ourselves all packed up, and we were off to Kampala, in the van for about two hours, towards the airport.  When in Kampala, we stopped once more for more shopping time.  Then Abdu took us out for pizza at a really cool restaurant  out by the shore of Lake Victoria.  It was such a cliché place.  Our table was right next to the shore, in the sand, where there were palm trees, and the sun was setting.  It was beautiful!  Thank you Abdu for taking us!!
Soon after supper, they drove us to the airport and we said our final goodbyes.   It is so very hard to say goodbye!  My heart is aching to see everyone right now just thinking about them all!  I do praise Jesus for the awesome trip and I hope that you were encouraged by all that happened!  I know that I left pieces of my heart in Africa, and I know that Jesus will continue to work through all things!  Praise the Lord through everything!!!  Thanks for reading!
By Kelsey and Team 


Saturday, November 8, 2014

Day 8 - Graduation Day!!!

Day 8   -11-7-2014

Today was the big day for Top Class!  At the Rock of Ages Academy, it was time for the 5 year olds to graduate from their class, and move into primary 1 class (1st grade).  When we drove up to the school, there were three tents set up and music was blaring!  I was expecting a simple and sweet little graduation ceremony, but boy was I wrong!  Each class would come out of their classrooms dancing, ready to perform in front of their families and friends!  Every class had prepared one special poem for the audience.  Their poems were about many things like,
loving moms, loving dads, hating mosquitos, the awful consequences of AIDS, and the importance of education.  This was a whole school event!  It was very adorable!  If I were a mom, I would be very proud of my child!  By the way, Syd was invited by Abdu and Betty to be the guest speaker.  What an honor!  She always does a great job.

    Once it was time for, last but not least, Top Class, they put on their cute caps and gowns.  Diplomas were passed out, and we had the privilege to hand out the pictures that Pam took of them during the week.  After this, the kids got so
me yummy cake, and lunch was also provided.  It was our last day to “enjoy” rice with the kids.  Soon after the all of the organized events were finished the whole school turned into a dance floor!  Everyone was dancing to the energetic music!  It was so very fun to see all the different dance moves!  In Africa, nobody cares what they look like; they just let their joy all out, even if it looks silly!  I’m also learning, on a new level, that Americans are so self-conscious.  Here nobody even thinks twice on if they are looking dumb or not.  It’s a wonderful freedom feeling!  

 Thanks 4 reading!!!      

 By Kelsey and Team 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Day 7 - Exchanging old shoes for new ones!

Day 7- 11-6-2014
The children at Rock of Ages School got their new shoes today!  We were able to actually put them on their feet!  They were very excited to receive brand new shoes and socks, and believe me, there was a huge need for new shoes.  Their old shoes were completely trashed and they were falling all apart.  They looked very uncomfortable.  It felt great to replace the old with the new!  I wonder if that is how Jesus feels when we surrender to Him.  We throw away our old self, and we take up our new self.  It is a wonderful refreshing feeling to follow Jesus and to
do His work by giving out new shoes to needy children!  Thanks so much for all who donated shoes or money for shoes!! 
    When we were at the school today, we also gathered all 220 kids together to take a whole school photo.  The kids at Rock of Ages are so well behaved, even the three and four year olds stood in the hot sun and listened for about twenty minutes for the picture!  The teachers train the children to be disciplined,  and they laugh when we are amazed at the kid’s obedience!  The picture turned out great though!
    Today was very fun.  I got to just play with the kids, and give pieces of my heart to them.  Jesus is teaching me how to play in a new way.  I learn to laugh at the silliest things, and I have learned to become a jungle gym for the kiddos!  It is so great here, almost everyone is very friendly.  One of my favorite things that we have done is, when we are driving away from the school we throw balloons out the window to the village kids.  They absolutely love chasing after them!  Their laughter is to die for!!!
    You know, coming to Uganda, Africa, I thought that there would be worry of Ebola.  It turns out that absolutely no one considers it as a risk.  We have talked about the disease to people here, and they laugh at the fact of Americans even being concerned of getting sick!  There is absolutely no reason to worry, for it does no good.  Jesus is in control!!!
220 Kids!
Cooking Dinner
Testimony time!  Later in the night we went to pastor Jimmy’s house to fellowship with Helen, his wife, and her women’s group.  When your fou ndation is based off of Jesus, all is well, and you can communicate freely with others.  Freedom is in the air baby!  So, when there are hard times, you can have others there to help carry your burdens with you.  That is why fellowship is so important.      We went around the room and told little snippets of what was on our hearts.  There was laughter, tears and encouragement.  I love that spirit of freedom so much!!  We had some gifts of jewelry, lotion, and candy for them.  They are so very thankful, it’s almost ridiculous!  I love their thankful spirits; I have a lot to learn from them!  They also fed us supper which was spaghetti, a delicacy here.  They sacrificed and spent so much time cooking on charcoal burners, which are outside, all f or us!  They cooked up their very best for us!  How sweet is that?  It was also very delicious!
    I want to add one last closing thought.  None of this ever would have happened if it weren’t for Jesus.  Isn’t that soooo cool?!  He is the one who led us all here, and He is responsible for all of the amazing things that are happening here!  Thank you Jesus!!!
Women's Bible Study
                                                                                               By Kelsey and Team 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Today is the day that the Lord has made!

Day 6- 11-5-2014

Someone had this grand idea to wake up at 6:30a.m., and go for a hike to climb a mountain.  I loved the hiking idea, but if anyone knows me very well I am NOT a morning person!  It’s pathetic, I try so hard to be joyful and happy to be alive, but it just doesn’t ever seem to happen!  But, give me like a 10 minute wake up time with Jesus and I’m fine!  So we were off, first thing in the morn, to the mountain.  You wouldn’t believe how beautiful it is here!!  Poverty and overpopulation could never ever steal God’s creation glory.  I absolutely love how the scenery is constantly screaming praise to God!

After the refreshing hike, we were off to the school to do crafts with the students at the Rock of Ages Academy.  I was privileged to help my mom (Lynnette) with the crafts that she put together for the kids.  We sang songs and read the Bible story of Jesus’ birth to the children; they are great singers and listeners!  Then we made a foam example of the manger scene with Joseph, Mary, and Jesus.  It was so much fun!  We also gave the kids each a special copy of the book that explained the birth of our King, Jesus.  After this outstanding time with the older kiddos, my mom and I went to help Pam with the younger kids.  Both the kids and us had a great time decorating picture frames to put pictures of themselves in and making cotton ball sheep to represent that Jesus is our Good Shepherd.  I love helping, serving, and teaching these children of God!

    Soon after all of the crafts were finished, I went back to Abdu’s house to meet Susan because she was willing to plait my hair.  This is what you see on most African Americans when they have many many tiny braids in their hair.  Susan sacrificed her time to do this to my hair!!  It looks so cool!

    While Susan was braiding my hair, the other ladies went to visit their sponsored children’s homes.  This was quite the experience from what I heard from their stories.  As they visited their homes, they took with them rice and sugar as gifts for their families.  This is not a normal gift that you would expect or want if you lived in America, but here it  was like Christmas for them!  They were overjoyed to receive this simple gift!

    Here at Abdu and Betty’s house their hospitality is abundant.  They always have an open door to all visitors and friends.  We feel very safe and secure at their home.   There is no need to worry!

    Time to wrap this day up as tomorrow we have a very early/busy day!  Goodnight, God Bless, and thanks for reading!!!

    By Kelsey and Team 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

God is Grand - Day 5

Day 5: 11-4-2014

We were all very privileged to start the day out with a testimony from Pam, one of our team members.  She explained her experiences on how she arrived in Uganda.  She told us how she had many trials before coming on her God led journey to Africa.  It is an exceptional story, you should ask her to tell you about it sometime!   

Soon after Pam’s devotion we were off to the school (Rock of Ages) to take more pictures of the unsponsored children.  These kids really need sponsors.  Please take into consideration becoming a sponsor.  If you are interested you can find more info on the website: or contact Syd Hair on Facebook.  It is only $20.00 a month.  I say this with passion; a sponsor for these youngins’ would really help them tremendously! 

With the teachers
While we were taking pictures, my mom was teaching reading strategies to the teachers at the school.  She said that the teachers were very accepting to the new information.  The teachers are so kind.  They are great teachers!

After some really cute pics of the young ones and meeting up with my Mom again, we were off to visit the unsponsored kid’s homes.  Boy, it is insanely humbling to see the shacks that these families live in, but most people know that Mukama mulungi all the time.  That means that God is good all the time! 

View of Mbiko from big hill!
True stuff!!!  For one house we had to climb a humongous hill! (I call it a mountain!)  How they do it every day, I don’t know.  I just can’t explain in words how we Americans are sooooooo spoiled and unaware of true poverty.  We really have to pray that these sweet Ugandans will have all of their needs met daily.  Also pray that they will find a beneficial purpose for their lives.

Now, Sarah, Abdu and Betty’s daughter, is coming home from boarding school tonight and we are going to celebrate her birthday; which was in September.  Since we are celebrating her birthday, we might as well celebrate all of the birthdays that are in September!  So that is what we are doing!!  Tonight is the big party for September birthdays!  Cathi and Connie spent a good chunk of time decorating the house for the occasion!  Thanks ladies!  Well, that is how today went for us in Africa!  I hope that all is well with everyone, and thanks for reading!       

By Kelsey and Team

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Joyful Children

 Day 4 in Africa: 11-3-2014

Our morning started with breakfast, coffee, and devotions.  My mom- Lynnette Bayer had the opportunity to lead today’s devotional.  She felt led to talk about perseverance.  Hebrews 12:1-3 really hits home for me.  Guys, we must endure the pain, because it is only temporary.  Jesus will give you strength in your time of need- we must trust Him.  Always remember that we are on the winning team when we follow Jesus.  He gives us joy and all we need to be successful.

So, after that filling Bible study, we went to the school Rock of Ages.   Whenever we go, it is just so much fun!  Those amazing, joyful little children are so curious about white people!  They love to feel our skin and hair!  They graciously come up to you and grab your hand, then they laugh ‘cause they have so much joy!  It is so cute when you exchange smiles and hand waves with them.  These kiddos are all so polite and well behaved.  Also, we all got to meet our sponsored kids!  Today we came to play and take pictures with the kids needing to be sponsored.  We gave them candy and fun little toys.  Thank you Mrs. Palmquist for the toys!!  
-We got to eat w/ the precious kids today! -

After the visit to the school, we went to see Abdu’s farm.  It’s very neat to see the way that they farm in Africa, compared to the way in Iowa!  Right now he is growing ginger.
Well, now it’s supper time, and I think we are having fried chicken!  Today was so fun and I can’t wait until tomorrow!  God is good all the time- and all the time God is so good!!  Praise Jesus all the

-Just a little glimpse of what Uganda looks like!-
~By Kelsey and Team~

Monday, November 3, 2014

Fellowship, Worshipping, and Brand New Experiences

 Day 3: 11-2-2014

Tomanya is my new favorite word.
 It means “whatever happens, happens-You never know.”  I  love this\African word because it describes most of the African culture.  Most people in Africa value every moment.  The Africans that we are spending our time with here, build their foundations on the fact that, God is good all the time- even through the speed bIumps in life.  Their culture is so inspiring!

Today, being Sunday, we went to church.  Let me tell you, these people are on fire for Jesus!!!  This Gospel church takes part in some energetic worship and preaching!  Hallelujah!  Praise the Lord!!  Amen!!!  The worship was completely acapella led by the Holy Spirit and the praise team.  We clapped, sang, snapped, and shouted!  These people here truly care about you and where you are in your faith.  They care about what God is trying to teach you presently.  They showed us love by praying over us hand in hand.  It’s so neat to go across the seas into a different country and find the same Gospel message being put into practice.  God is absolutely astonishing!!!

After church we went back to Abdu and Betty’s house, where we chose to finally, rest.  Later in the evening, Pastor Jimmy and his wife Helen came to the house for fellowship.  It’s so fun to hear testimonies from others.  By this time the rain had caused the power to go out, so sorry for not blogging yesterday!   This rainstorm was crazy!  The thunder and lightning were intense, but I guess that it is normal here!?!
Well, I gotta go, I hope that all is well with everyone!  Thanks so much for your prayers!!  God bless you!!!

By Kelsey and Team  

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Working for Jesus

Our 2nd Day: 11-1-2014
Seeing the different culture of a new Continent/Country is so much fun, but actually doing work that Jesus would do is even more fun!    - Last night I woke up to a raging African rainstorm!  (Just thought that I should add that cool experience in!!)  
Syd getting her hair braided by Susan!
Today we went to visit some widows who lived in the village of Namimya.  These sweet sweet sweet women absolutely love Jesus!  They made us some delicious pumpkin and banana bread. (sooo yummy!) 

Baking Bread
  On this journey to visit these ladies, we had the opportunity to bless them with jewelry and other gifts.  They loved these so much!  Thank you to all who donated to them!  

  We also had the amazing opportunity to wash their feet, like Jesus did!  We washed them with bottles of water, and we prayed over their precious calloused feet.  One of the ladies (Sarah) thought that this washing symbolized how Jesus is never finished with us and our walk.  I think that’s so cool!  These extraordinary ladies let us pray over them, and they also prayed over us.   Even though most of them don’t speak in English, we could feel the same spirit of the Holy Spirit.  I can’t even describe how powerful this was!  Amazing!!! 

Later that evening, I got the chance to pour out my heart to Abdu and Betty’s joyful children. (Moses, Ruth, Hannah, and Abby J)  O my goodness these amazing children just desire so much to be played with, and I let them lead me in their play!  I love them so much!!  Their giggles are priceless!

Being in Africa is just so great, I love it so much!  God is showing me to treasure every moment, and to not worry about time.  Syd’s perspective is to focus on the “who’s” in life.  Not the “what”- “when’s”- “where’s”-“why’s”-and, “how’s.”  We need to love everyone; the “who’s.”  Today was outstanding and I can’t wait for tomorrow!!!  All glory goes to Jesus!!!! J
     By Kelsey and Team

Friday, October 31, 2014

Dreams are becoming reality!!

Our 1st day: 10-31-2014 

            Today was an amazing day.  We started out with Ugandan tea and conversation out on the porch with everyone.  My imagination of Africa was extremely different than how it actually is.  I was thinking that it was going to be a desert with lions, other crazy animals, huts, and tribes or a complete jungle with raging rivers and monkeys.  But actually it is more like a regular city.  Things move and happen in a fast pace, just like they do in America.  There are lots of amazing plants with huge leaves and strange fruit on them.  There are also some cool animals like bats, quail, and lizards.  The quail birds live all over this compound and they make some astonishing noises, and their nests are constructed upside-down!
Kelsey surrounded by kids

Anyway, right after some yummy eggs and peanut buttered bread, we left to visit the school, Rock of Ages.  Oh my goodness!  This school was filled with lovely students and teachers!  All of the children would just walk right up to you and grab your hand.  It was a like a little sample of Heaven!  You know, those kids are just so filled with joy!  They absolutely love getting their pictures taken.  We would take one of them, and then show them what it looked like, and they would just giggle with glee!  They sang a beautiful song for us about how Jesus is alive!  It was so sweet!!  We played the hokey pokey with them; they just loved it!  

            Next we went to the market to buy some fruit.  The whole experience at the market was crazy!  Everyone wants you to buy their goodies, and there are so many vendors.  Most people were very friendly; they all ask how you are doing.  Some of the people even realized and pointed out that I was the youngest in the group!  One of Syd’s priorities was to buy some Novita-a pineapple sugary soda-pop.  We bought some and it was so delicious!  I’m thankful for her priorities!  

            Later in the evening, Kenneth showed some of us how to make chapatti- an extraordinary fried tortilla!  These are also very yummy!  After supper, we sorted all of the shoes!  I’m so stinking excited to bless all of the kids with new shoes!!!  Thank you to all who donated the shoes and supported this mission!  Now it’s almost time for bed, and I’m just reflecting on the day.  God is sooooooo super impressive, and I can’t wait to see what He will do the rest of the week!  Thanks God.

Typical  African Meal