Day 3: 11-2-2014
Tomanya is my new favorite word.
It means “whatever happens, happens-You never know.” I love this\African word because it describes most of the African culture. Most people in Africa value every moment. The Africans that we are spending our time with here, build their foundations on the fact that, God is good all the time- even through the speed bIumps in life. Their culture is so inspiring!
Today, being Sunday, we went to church. Let me tell you, these people are on fire for Jesus!!! This Gospel church takes part in some energetic worship and preaching! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!! Amen!!! The worship was completely acapella led by the Holy Spirit and the praise team. We clapped, sang, snapped, and shouted! These people here truly care about you and where you are in your faith. They care about what God is trying to teach you presently. They showed us love by praying over us hand in hand. It’s so neat to go across the seas into a different country and find the same Gospel message being put into practice. God is absolutely astonishing!!!
After church we went back to Abdu and Betty’s house, where we chose to finally, rest. Later in the evening, Pastor Jimmy and his wife Helen came to the house for fellowship. It’s so fun to hear testimonies from others. By this time the rain had caused the power to go out, so sorry for not blogging yesterday! This rainstorm was crazy! The thunder and lightning were intense, but I guess that it is normal here!?!
Well, I gotta go, I hope that all is well with everyone! Thanks so much for your prayers!! God bless you!!!
By Kelsey and Team
Kelsey, we are so encouraged by your testimony! We're praying for you and your family daily... God is good...always!