ROA cooks preparing lunch with new Stove. |
Betty, the director of Rock of Ages School, believes that nourishing the mind, body and spirit of her students is the best way to help them achieve their potential. She recently noted that providing a meal each day for the children not only fills their bellies; it improves their concentration in class and ultimately their academic performance. For many of the children, this may be the only food they receive that day.
The school needed a new stove. Betty requested funds to make a purchase and described the problems in her request:
- The stove is worn out. It has been used for a
long time and the rust has weakened it and made it difficult to repair.
- With the increase in school
population, the cook has to prepare food in batches in order for everyone to get a meal and she has to take extreme care as not to spill the food as the cooking pot balances precariously on the weakened, rusted structure..
- The old model of the stove is inefficient and uses a lot of more charcoal than necessary to make meals.
Top View of Stove. You can see that structure to hold the pots are rusting away. |
Side view. |
Rice cooking on old Stove |
Fortunately, one of our partner organizations,
Juneau2Jinja, was able to provide the funds to buy a new Stove that is safer, more economical and has a larger capacity.
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