Friday, December 11, 2015

"This was a day to tell"

Hawa, the school Secretary, Kenneth, the IT guy and
Suzan, one of the cooks
As a thank you for  a successful school year, Betty and Abdu took the entire ROA Staff , teachers and non teachers as well as pastor Jimmy and his wife Helen, to the Jinja Sailing Club on Lake Victoria for a meal.

Pastor Jimmy posted on Facebook..."It was a great surprise for all us that serve and teach at Rock of Ages Academy as we were requested by our director to attend an end of year dinner at Sailing Club" Thanks big. It was a refreshing moment. Blessings and peace to our director and all supporters of ROA."

The  teachers said it was "a day to tell".

 None had ever dinned in such a nice place and many did not know what to order. But  everyone enjoyed the food  they ordered.

Top Class Teacher Alice , commented that she has taught in 3 schools before coming to ROA but this is were she has felt loved and appreciated. She thanked Betty for helping her with modern teaching and Phonics lessons.

It was a wonderful way to thank the teachers and staff and show appreciation for their dedication and hard work.

Teachers Faith and Brenda

James and John relaxing by the lake

Pastor Jimmy and Helen 

Pastor  Jimmy, Head Teacher Anthony and Olivia

Kenneth digging in

Teacher Mercy, Cook Aisha, Teacher Jackie

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Another Year - Rock of Ages Graduation Celebation 2015

Friday, December 4th, Rock of Ages Academy celebrated the end of the school year.  It was a typical Ugandan celebration.  Children from all classes recited poems, sang songs and performed skits.  The Baby class, the youngest children, did a fashion show, and the older ones showed off the crafts they are making to help support the school. Pastor Jimmy prayed with the parents and then talked about parenting and the importance of supporting their children’s education. The celebration culminated in the graduation of the Top Class (roughly equivalent to our kindergarten).  In January, these children will be starting their primary school education.

One part of the celebration not so typical was the dedication of recently purchased land. Parents and staff trekked to the nearby property to see for themselves the future location of Rock of Ages Academy and to participate in the dedication.  It was a joyous, hope-filled event.

Graduation of Top Class


Cake Cutting ... with confetti flying!

The Baby Class Fashion Show

Looking at the New Land

Making Beads

School Events

Head teacher talking about ROA results

Giving history of ROA
