Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A School Project - Harvesting Corn

Last Spring  Rock of Ages students and parents planted corn on our newly purchased land.  The idea is to farm the property until it is developed for the new school.  This past week the corn was  harvested and laid out to dry. The kernels will be cut from the cob and then hauled to a mill to be ground. The resulting meal will be used to  make a porridge called posho, a staple food in Uganda.  The posho will be prepared  and the fed to the children for lunch.

This very short video shows the students bringing the dries corn inside for the next part of the harvest.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Rock of Ages- A Tour

For those who have not yet had the opportunity to visit Rock of Ages, we thought we would give you a little tour of  this beloved school. In the next 30 seconds you will see where 250 students come each day for an education, spiritual support, and basic health needs. Thank you to everyone who has helped give these children a better life through education!